Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Empty Lot of the Week-- August 20th

Schuylkill River NIMBY Lot

210 South 25th Street

                     This poor empty lot. Its never even had a real building on it. A sad, flat, decrepit piece of shit decade after decade. Now that this little triangle of land finally has the chance to be filled, a whole slew of NIMBYs have swooped down to try and stop it for mind-numbingly silly reasons.
                     Read more at the Philadelphia City Paper's Naked City Blog!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Old-Ass Building of the Week-- August 19th

Wharton Hall

2601 Wharton Street or 1268 South 26th Street

Pic by Brad Maule
                   Check it out-- this building in the Gray's Ferry neighborhood was pretty much forgotten... Until now!! Read all about it at the Hidden City Daily!