Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Empty Lot of the Week-- July 23rd

Chestnut Street Bridge Lot

2320-2330 Chestnut Street

              Sometimes, when an empty surface parking lot gets decorated too heavily, we all forget that there's supposed to be a fucking building in its place. This is one such lot, disguised by art, shameful in origin, and with little or no chance of being filled in the next 1,000 lifetimes. It doesn't seem like a big deal-- a little sunken lot with a beautiful mural on it. Nonetheless, that's no excuse to keep a lot empty for over 50 fucking years.
             Read more at the Philadelphia City Paper's Naked City Blog!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Old-Ass Building of the Week-- July 22nd

Garrick House aka Paschall Residence aka Old Yellow Mansion aka General Howe's Headquarters

6840 Paschall Avenue

Pic by Brad Maule

                     Old-Ass Building? Ancient-Ass building! This house is 290 years old, easily the oldest building I've ever written about. A Revolutionary War- AND Civil War-related site, this motherfucker is now occupied by some crappy church. Check it out at the Hidden City Daily!