PennDot PPA Realen Fail Lot
Bounded by Spring, 15th, 16th, and Vine Streets with a parking garage in the middle
This is the only way to see both sides of the lot. Image from Google. |
Though most empty lots piss me off, I can understand how they form. Sometimes its a patch of old buildings too far gone to save that get knocked down. Sometimes there's actually a need for surface parking in the area. Sometimes an owner just doesn't have the resources to save it. This one, however, pisses me off like no other. This is a lot that was cleared for development that was a shitty idea from the rip. On top of that, I hate empty lots that take over what were previously a whole bunch of little streets, and this is one of those as well. Wanna know what else I hate? Parking garages that are right next to surface parking lots. This is one of those, too!!! Even worse, the garage has empty lots on both sides. How much worse can it get? Much worse.
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Naked City Blog!