Monday, November 12, 2012

Old-Ass Building of the Week-- November 12

223-227 Chestnut

                 What's the deal with this? Though they appear to be two separate buildings, this once-beautiful set of facades have been one combined building for the vast majority of their history. While literally everything within sight of 223-227 Chestnut has been renovated, updated, or upgraded, this building sits boarded up and unused in one of the city's most tourist-exposed areas. On top of that, the origin of the two original buildings is spotty at best.
               Read more at the Hidden City Daily!

1 comment:

  1. What's the deal with this? Though they appear to be two separate buildings, this once-beautiful set of facades have been one combined building for the vast majority of their history. While literally everything within sight of 223-227 Chestnut has been renovated, updated, or upgraded, this building sits boarded up and unused in one of the city's most tourist-exposed areas. On top of that, the origin of the two original buildings is spotty at bestswtor gold
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